Treating Plantar Fasciitis – Foot Pain Doctors in Phoenix and Scottsdale
You move around on your feet your whole life and don’t think about your joints and bones much until they are painful.
Plantar Fasciitis
We at Naturopathic Physicians Group often see patients after they have tried conservative treatment first, such as stretching or a roller. With most patients suffering from Plantar Fasciitis, a combination of prolotherapy and PRP gets them back to normal activity with little to no pain. We numb the area; we will sometimes give a pain medication (ibuprofen or tramadol), and we will numb the area. It’s a good example of a strained or injured fascia.
If it doesn’t get better with time, depending on the severity of it. Mild condition you can usually stretch your way out of it. If there’s a bone spur attached to the fascia, it’s more difficult.
If it hurts, come see us. Can shorten healing time. 1-3 treatments, start with prolotherapy first, then if needed, go to PRP if more significant or resistant to conservative treatments. What are the demands of the sport? Most people have had it for a month or 2, or over a year.
Most common: RICE and NSAIDS (raise, compress, elevate) Bone spur can be surgically removed. Then: Cortisone injection (limit 3). Problem is steroid is can atrophy fat tissue on the heel, less fat = less padding for both fascia and nerves. Steroids do not correct the underlying problem, the weakness, which they may aggravate.
Trauma or inflammation at the source of the plantar fascia which maintains the structure and dynamic movement of the foot. Inflammation at the tendon attachment at the heel. Inflammation will respond quicker; micro tearing where the fascia is separated (more stubborn) or inflammation to the point where there’s a bone spur (more serious). By irritating the bone spur we create a healing response. Emphasis: repair tears to the plantar fascia, and strengthen the attachment to restore normal function. If a bone spur is present, treatment may need to be more direct. OTHER foot imbalances, dysfunction, or a customized orthotic.
It’s an overuse injury with pain on the calcaneal (heel) bone, and medial arch. Micro-tearing and inflammation of fascia near insertion on the heel bone. Prevents jumping or running. More common in people who do maximum foot flexion, like dancers and athletes, or in people who are less active or overweight.
Most patients experience noticeable improvement from 1-3 treatments. The timeline depends on how serious it is – if it’s serious, usually somewhat better after the first treatment.
Prolotherapy stimulates the strengthening of the tissues which makes the feet feel normal again. The easiest way to increase the capacity, increasing the regenerative.
The root cause is plantar fascia weakness; a bone spur is the RESULT of chronic inflammation.
Inflammation of fascia – bone spur is the body’s response to inflammation.
Prolotherapy is effective for moderate knee pain, while PRP therapy is used for a torn meniscus, arthritis, and patellofemoral joint disease.
Contact our naturopathic pain doctors in Phoenix and Scottsdale today to schedule an appointment for PRP therapy for foot pain.